Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Once upon a time....

Hello all Im a 21 year college student who is picking up on this blog thing.  First off Im not sure where to begin except for the beginning....

I became who I am today when I met the love of my life.... We'll just call her My Truth.... I grew up in a middle income household with a great family life, I always did well in school and I had no real reason to complain.  I honestly believe that the reason I find it so hard to be motivated lies in the sole reason that I was never really challenged in life until college.  I had never really faced what some people call the wrong path and where some people's lives really take a nose dive.  Winter quarter my freshman year I started living in a way that I thought was never possible.  I let school sort of drift and float hoping my smarts would keep me above water.  Before I knew it I was two years in not giving a damn about anything or anyone but who didnt show the slightest attention towards me.  As confusing as it might sound I just needed someone other than mommy or daddy to push me and make me want to be better....

It is now my first quarter of my senior year.  I still really havent found a passion and an terrified that I will be sucked into a life where I wont be happy with what I've become.  I know that My Truth will be right next to me throughout the rest of my days but I just cant seem to put a finger on who I am and who I want ME to be....

My Truth has been a godsend making me believe that although God has shown me a good life he also allows for you to reach ur goals.  Im just waiting for the moment to say this is who I am and maybe one day I'll say it but as for right not I gotta be happy with me....

P.S. Im pretty sure she reads this so I'll throw the shout out. Baby girl u have seriously taken me out of the shark tank and given me wings... I want to accomplish everything with u and for u hopefully I'll get there.

Belief is only a state of mind, whereas achieving is a place in time...

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